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In Vía Julia, Barcelona, the Mossos d'Esquadra try to evict Johanna's family.

Johanna has been in Spain for 3 years. In November, her hell began in the apartment where she lives in Barcelona with her family, made up of her husband and her 3 minor children, aged 16, 10 and 4. Due to a series of non-payments due to the precarious employment situation of Johanna and her husband, who only support themselves from Johanna's one-hour weekly job, the owners decided to take action. Finally, the Mossos d'Esquadra showed up at number 143 Vía Julia at 11:30 a.m.

in order to proceed with the eviction of this family. Several people from the Barcelona anti-eviction platform (@pah_barcelona) were there to provide support to Johanna and her family, who had been on the street since 10:30 a.m. Finally, after In order to demonstrate that Johanna was in negotiations with the owners of the apartment for a more appropriate exit, the Mossos d'Esquadra troops have withdrawn from the area, causing applause and jumps of joy from several neighbors and people from PAH Barcelona.

Barcelona, July 2021

In Vía Julia, Barcelona, ​​​​the Mossos d'Esquadra try to evict Johanna's family.

Johanna has been in Spain for 3 years. In November her hell began in the apartment where she lives in Barcelona with her family, made up of her husband and her 3 minor children, 16, 10 and 4 years old.

Due to a series of defaults due to the precarious employment situation of Johanna and her husband, who are only supported by Johanna's work for one hour a week, the owners decided to take action.

Finally, the Mossos d'Esquadra appeared at number 143 of Vía Julia at 11:30 a.m. in order to evict this family.

Several people from the Barcelona anti-eviction platform were there to provide support

to Johanna and her family, who had been on the street since 10:30 a.m.

Finally, after Johanna was able to demonstrate that she was in negotiations with the owners of the apartment for a more adequate exit, the troops of the Mossos d'Esquadra have withdrawn from the area causing applause and jumps of joy from several neighbors and people from PAH Barcelona.

Barcelona, July 2021

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